Assessment of Climate Vulnerability – Part of ViSTAR Project of IGSSS

Assessment of Climate Vulnerability – Part of ViSTAR Project of IGSSS

This study and report focuses on the Vidarbha Bundelkhan region which is one of the total project areas defined by IGSSS. Bundelkhand is a geographical and cultural region and also a mountain range in central & North India.

Project Details

Project Title Assessment of Climate Vulnerability – Part of ViSTAR Project of IGSSS
Project Type Climate
Project Location 5 Villages, Panna District of Madhya Pradesh (India)
Annual Impacts Qualitative & Quantitative impacts assessment
GHG Platform Not applicable
Project ID Not applicable
Project Catalogue

Project Brief

This is known as "program ViSTAR", which has been designed by Indo-Global Social Service Society (IGSSS), with an objective to develop Climate Resilience for a cluster of villages distributed across various climatic zones in India. Under this program, a specific study has been adopted by Fair Climate Fund India (FCFI) in the region of Bundelkhand, in Madhya Pradesh. This study has been designed to capture real time data from five different villages identified under Panna District of Bundelkhand (M.P.); followed by an assessment to evaluate various climate impacts under a pre-defined framework termed as “Sustainable Livelihood Framework” (SLF). The outcomes of the study shown that there is very high level of Climatic Risk involved in the Agricultural activities and in the Energy usage patterns.

The outcomes of the study shown that there is very high level of Climatic Risk involved in the Agricultural activities and in the Energy usage patterns. On the other hand Water scarcity is the most protuberant indicator in the entire region of Bundelkhand, which has been established from the secondary research and published literatures.