Implementation Service – Financial Education & Counselling

Implementation Service – Financial Education & Counselling

This project aims at implementing services for Financial Education and Counselling under the Assam Agribusiness and Rural transformation Project (APART).

Project Details

Project Title Implementing Services for Financial Education & Counselling
Project Type Agricultural
Project Location India (Assam)
Annual Impacts Continuous impact across the agricultural communities
GHG Platform Not Applicable
Project ID Not Applicable
Project Catalogue

Project Brief

There is lack of access, demand and uptake and responsible use of financial services by the greater farming community in Assam, thereby hindering their better management capacity of their cash flows, make productivity enhancing investments and better manage the business and non-business risks they face. . In the same vein, there is high access but low awareness and low usage of general banking services. This arises a dire need to “add value and improve resilience of selected agriculture value chains focusing on smallholder farmers and agro-entrepreneurs in districts of Assam”. The project would facilitate access to and help in responsible use of financial services by 2.5 lakh farmer community across 7 districts in Assam in key value chains including agriculture & horticulture, livestock, fishery, sill-handloom & textiles and dairy, represented through FIGs, FPCs, DSCs, FPOs and others.